
Friday, January 18

China's Golden Rules

I got into a research about China and I found out A LOT of interesting things about it. I have stumbled upon a blog of Miss Joan Pittman and I found this sort of rules she had compiled from her Chinese friends and I thought, this sort of information ought to be in my blog too! I also got a chuckle out of it. hahaha. But honestly, I think numbers 1 and 2 apply heavily. :)

I was going through some old files on my computer this evening and ran across this list that a Chinese friend gave me years and years ago of 12 so-called ‘golden rules’ of doing any kind of business in China.

I don’t know where he/she got it, and I can’t even remember who it was, but I had a good chuckle reading it. Perhaps you will too. And I’ve also been involved in enough negotiations to appreciate the ring of truth…

  1. Everything is possible.
  2. Nothing is easy.
  3. Western business logic does not apply.
  4. It is a fun project if there is no deadline.
  5. You must persist — things will come your way eventually.
  6. Patience is the essence of success.
  7. “You don’t know China” means they disagree.
  8. “New regulation” means they found a new way of avoiding something.
  9. “Internal regulation” means they are mad at you.
  10. “Basically no problem” means BiG problem.
  11. When you are optimistic, think about rule #2.
  12. When you are pessimistic, think about rule #1.

pasted from Ms. Pittman's blog. Go, check it out too. :)

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